About Project 365

I have decided to get back into my photography. I have boycotted my hobby for awhile because I miss the meditating atmosphere of a dark room. (Maybe I just miss the fumes!?!?) When I went to school I can remember spending very long evenings in the dark room and having a sense of accomplishment and creativity! Since I have made the switch to digital photography, I rarely edit the photos I take. With this project I will have different types of photos. All photos will be taken with my iPhone and will not be edited. Some will be normal everyday pics and some artistic in nature, but all will be a little part of my day. Everyday for a year! Here's to going out and finding the creativity again...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 355

Trucker Bob left me borrow his hat for the day... Ha! Actually a friend of mine from high school came home for our reunion a few weeks ago and picked up one of these hats. People from where he lives down south are LOVING this hat. So when I told him I was making a southern tour and wanted to visit he asked that I pick up some more of these hats.

Man did the lady at market give me a silly look when I picked up 4 of them. However, it did give me a good idea. Maybe for my future sister-in-law's bachelorette party I could talk her into wearing this! lol

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