About Project 365

I have decided to get back into my photography. I have boycotted my hobby for awhile because I miss the meditating atmosphere of a dark room. (Maybe I just miss the fumes!?!?) When I went to school I can remember spending very long evenings in the dark room and having a sense of accomplishment and creativity! Since I have made the switch to digital photography, I rarely edit the photos I take. With this project I will have different types of photos. All photos will be taken with my iPhone and will not be edited. Some will be normal everyday pics and some artistic in nature, but all will be a little part of my day. Everyday for a year! Here's to going out and finding the creativity again...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 248

2011-03-14 01:02:59 +0000 by Manpan915
2011-03-14 01:02:59 +0000 a photo by Manpan915 on Flickr.
So I have been soooooo sick for the past 3 days. I was looking forward to going to Josh's surprise 30th party in DC but wasn't sure if I could make it.

Of course when looking for sympathy from B Funk (my first mistake) all I got was, "Suck it up and get there." I should have known better...

So I woke up this morning and put on my dress... uh, I looked like DEATH WARMED OVER! (as I was hacking up a lung)

I decided I needed something to make me feel better! It was free tan weekend at the tanning salon so I knew the lights always made me feel better but also knew one session wouldn't make me tan. I went and tanned but then I also got a spray tan. When I left the salon, I was warm and tan and feeling better!

I went home and slept the rest of the day. Woke up, took a shower, and left for DC.

I got there around 6pm and felt great for about an hour... then I started to feel really sick again. However, just when I needed a pick me up...

Josh thanked everyone for coming and thanked Kelly for putting everything together and then...


I instantly felt great for about 30mins and and was SO happy I decided to come! Then I crashed hard! I left to go home around 8:30ish!

Got home and although I can't breath and feel pretty crappy, I'm wide awake with happiness for my brother and his FIANCE!

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